
Leslie Lehr

Novel Consultant for Truby's Writers Studio

Story Consultant, Developmental Editor

Clients say Leslie Lehr has Xray vision when it
comes to identifying what’s broken, missing, or finding
the path that helps make a story strong.

Benefits of Working with Leslie

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    Highest level of professional feedback

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    25-years’ experience teaching and working with writers

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    Limited number of clients

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    One on One interaction

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    Package options tailored to each client’s specific needs

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Are you stuck on a story problem? Torn between ideas? Frustrated with a work-in-progress? Translating the vision in your head into words on the page is harder than it looks. A one-on-one discussion can save you months of struggle. Together, we can shape the story that you want to tell.

Do you have a story idea, but aren’t sure where to start? A rough draft that could go a number of ways?  A manuscript that went off the rails? Jumpstart the writing process with expert focus on your story and several rounds of feedback. First, we’ll discuss your goals, refine your premise, and examine what you have so far.  Next, I’ll suggest ways to develop your characters to create plot, hit the genre beats, and strengthen the structure. Finally, we'll discuss how to increase the narrative drive, solve prose issues, and outline your next steps. Ultimately, you'll have the tools - and the confidence - to continue on your own.

My goal as a developmental editor is to help shape your story to be as strong as possible. This includes both plot and prose techniques that add clarity, depth, and narrative drive. By analyzing what you already have, I can spot opportunities, connect the dots, and prompt solutions that enhance your style. If your manuscript runs too long or too short, I can show you how to reshape it to attract today's readers. A detailed contract will outline the specifics including an in-depth written report, light line editing, and the one thing most editors do not provide – a potential outline for your final draft. Price is based on word count/estimated hours.

Want to land an agent or indie publisher? Successful query letters are sales tools with a style of their own. Save time and skip the learning curve so you can focus on the important part: the manuscript. 

Traditional publishers require full book proposals for non-fiction, including memoir.  A strong proposal can not only sell the project, but streamline the writing process. But it's a completely different skill set. I can help you skip the learning curve, save time, and nail yours.

Why Work With Leslie?

In this interview with Literary Agent Expert Mark Malatesta, Leslie shares her backstory as an author and consultant. Discover how she helps writers at every stage, her super power of story structure, and what to look for in a consultant. Hear about Leslie’s client success stories, and what makes her unique. And click here to see the text transcript of this interview.

Frequently Asked Questions

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