Posts Tagged ‘author’
How to Decide Which Story to Write
The new year is a great time to begin a new project, but which one? If you’re lucky, you’ll have a lot of ideas. But you can’t write them all. Nor should you. Writing a story that stands the test of time has never been so important. Why? First, anyone can publish today. That means…
Read MoreRed, White & Boobs!
Have you ever heard the expression, “You can’t go home again? Yes, it’s from a Thomas Wolfe novel. But is it true? When A Boob’s Life was published, the library association in my Ohio hometown invited me to give a book talk. I envisioned chatting to kids sitting cross-legged on the carpet. Zoom was not…
Read MoreHow to Have a Happy Valentines Day?
A daddy’s girl never forgets her first Valentine. When mine died last month, I was writing about last 4th of July in Ohio, when I rode in the parade. Roe v Wade had just been knocked down. I was a Blue girl visiting a Red state and staying with my conservative dad. Little did I…
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