Confessions of a Boobs Book Launch

This past year of my boobs book launch has been crazy!

I’m not talking about the brand new rules of book tours during a pandemic. No, it’s the subject. This is my seventh book, but talking about boobs every day took the experience to a whole new level. I won’t say my cups runneth over – the puns have been painful. But from makeup challenges and equipment failures to cats stealing the show, even my old Girl Scout motto, “be prepared,” wasn’t foolproof. Let’s just say it’s been… boobalicious.

To celebrate, I have a fabulous new book trailer produced by Sam Hart of Wild Bill Productions and original music (that I cowrote) by Ladybug Island. Even my fancy New York agent said, WOW. You can watch it here:

First lesson Naturally, publicity for A Boob’s Life began during Breast Cancer Month. The host of my very first zoom interview, Frank Buckley of KTLA, began by chuckling with me at the word “boobs.” And he was so caring and empathetic about breast cancer that it turned out to be the most touching interview of the whole tour. I learned three things when watching it back: less lipstick, more gratitude, and always keep Kleenex on hand.

Wardrobe Despite writing an article called “Covid Killed the Bra,” I did wear underwire for zoom interviews. And sure enough, Zibby Owens showed me her brand new brassiere in her fabulous podcast for Mom’s Don’t Have Time to Read Books. Both of our bras were blue! That interview taught me there is such a thing as too much coffee. Scroll down to find it here…

Reviews On the day the book was released, I was waiting in line at the grocery store and saw it in People. Thank goodness I was wearing a mask, because it helped muffle my screams. Kind of. With “must-read” reviews from Good Morning America, Entertainment Tonight, and Glamour, plus a number one bestseller on Amazon, my days soon filled with interviews. You can tell this was all during quarantine, because I was overdue for a haircut. I struggled with styling. Now, those looks will live on forever, sigh.

Icons Soon, I was hobnobbing online with amazing authors and pop culture stars. Bestselling novelists Brenda Janowitz and Caroline Leavitt hosted virtual publication parties at bookstores across the country. I shared boob stories with Brooke Burnes and discussed lingerie with Real Housewife Brandi Glanville. The Mighty Blaze invited me to be the inaugural guest on their Zeitgeist podcast with Jane Roper, and Sandra Tsing Loh hosted me on a show with the legendary Walter Mosley! Be still my heart.

Schedule My alarm rang at dawn to primp for interviews in Europe and South Africa. After an embarrassing lawnmower interruption, I bought a real microphone and a ring light, then rotated blue blouses that coordinated with my book cover. Often, I had five interviews a day.

The New York Times called me a Boob Expert and Rutgers University hosted a student event about body image. We agreed to stop judging ourselves and each other by cup size. I spoke across political lines to book clubs about domestic violence, childcare, and cleavage. Boobs are a universal concern.

The Biggest Challenge was being ready for anything. Sure, NPR and Femsplainers covered bra burning, Mother/Monster/Writer covered breastfeeding and identity issues, and fellow authors discussed writing. But often it felt like elementary school Opposites Day. The biggest radio station in Brazil, where plastic surgery is common, was concerned about body image for young women; a syndicated radio giant in North America focused on the titillating bits about boob jobs. Go figure.

THE BEST PART has been you, my friendly readers. I never planned to write a memoir, and it’s risky to reveal so much. It’s been comforting to confirm that I’m not the only one with a boob story. My subtitle, How America’s Obsession Shaped Me… and You has proven to be true.

Now, with Women’s History Month here, I’m out and about again. No more will we take this beautiful body part for granted. It looks like A Boob’s Life will be a classic in the annals of women’s history.

Would you like to join me in this mission? It’s easy… love your boobs!

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