How to Decide Which Story to Write

The new year is a great time to begin a new project, but which one?  If you’re lucky, you’ll have a lot of ideas. But you can’t write them all. Nor should you. Writing a story that stands the test of time has never been so important. Why? First, anyone can publish today. That means…

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Confessions of a Boobs Book Launch

This past year of my boobs book launch has been crazy! I’m not talking about the brand new rules of book tours during a pandemic. No, it’s the subject. This is my seventh book, but talking about boobs every day took the experience to a whole new level. I won’t say my cups runneth over…

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Did Motherhood Make Me a Writer?

Did you ever wonder what your mother would be if not a mother? Or how your choices will define you? With the release of A Boob’s Life, I’m often asked how I became a writer. It wasn’t my plan. And the answer surprised me. Sure, I read a lot when I was little. I hoarded…

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Why I Wrote A Book About Breasts

I never planned to write a book about breasts. I can barely say that word out loud. It conjures up so many serious things. Go ahead and google it – you’ll see. Boobs, on the other hand, is a lot more fun. Google that word and you get 919,000,000 hits, mostly porn, in .38 seconds.…

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