Posts by Leslie Lehr
Our Fiery Escape from Pacific Palisades
Dear friends, Fire broke out just as I typed Happy New Year on my January newsletter, a recap of client news and upcoming events. The wind howled so loudly that I looked out my office window. Billowing smoke engulfed the ridge above our Pacific Palisades home. Flames shot into the sky. I closed my file…
Read MoreMark Malatesta Interview with Story Consultant Leslie Lehr
During this interview with former literary agent Mark Malatesta, prize-winning author, essayist, and Story Consultant Leslie Lehr discusses her work. This interview, available as text and audio (click here to listen to the audio recording) shares Leslie’s advice for authors of all genres. Leslie also explains which types of authors she’s most passionate about helping,…
Read MoreHow to Decide Which Story to Write
The new year is a great time to begin a new project, but which one? If you’re lucky, you’ll have a lot of ideas. But you can’t write them all. Nor should you. Writing a story that stands the test of time has never been so important. Why? First, anyone can publish today. That means…
Read MoreLet’s Take the Stink off Pink
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in the fall of 2012, the world was exploding in pink. NFL players had tackled the cause for three years, but I hadn’t watched enough football to notice. Now, it was impossible to ignore. Worse, my daughters called me at every sighting. From pastel nail polish to ribbon-stamped…
Read MoreRed, White & Boobs!
Have you ever heard the expression, “You can’t go home again? Yes, it’s from a Thomas Wolfe novel. But is it true? When A Boob’s Life was published, the library association in my Ohio hometown invited me to give a book talk. I envisioned chatting to kids sitting cross-legged on the carpet. Zoom was not…
Read MoreDid Motherhood Make Me a Writer?
Did you ever wonder what your mother would be if not a mother? Or how your choices will define you? With the release of A Boob’s Life, I’m often asked how I became a writer. It wasn’t my plan. And the answer surprised me. Sure, I read a lot when I was little. I hoarded…
Read MoreAre you grateful for your boobs?
Are you grateful for your boobs? Last week I asked thousands of people why they love their boobs – I even offered a cute mug as incentive. After three days….only one person answered. Surely more than one of us loves our boobs. So why are embarrassed to talk about them? I admit, I was too,…
Read MoreGot boobs?
Got boobs? Female or male, all humans do. But women are over 100 times more likely to get breast cancer. And without healthy women, the world grinds to a halt. I was a newlywed in the best shape of my life when I had that fateful mammogram. I didn’t know anyone who’d had the disease.…
Read MoreWhy I Wrote A Book About Breasts
I never planned to write a book about breasts. I can barely say that word out loud. It conjures up so many serious things. Go ahead and google it – you’ll see. Boobs, on the other hand, is a lot more fun. Google that word and you get 919,000,000 hits, mostly porn, in .38 seconds.…
Read MoreHow to Have a Happy Valentines Day?
A daddy’s girl never forgets her first Valentine. When mine died last month, I was writing about last 4th of July in Ohio, when I rode in the parade. Roe v Wade had just been knocked down. I was a Blue girl visiting a Red state and staying with my conservative dad. Little did I…
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