Why Book Clubs Love Boobs

Why do Book Clubs love boobs?
Because most readers have boobs. In fact, most book buyers have boobs. And, yes, most Americans do, too.

But we rarely talk about them. Now, you have an excuse. There are so many topics to discuss in this book! And so much gossip to share…

Especially after you see the Book Trailer and hear Caroline Rhea’s spot-on narration. Watch the A Boob’s Life book trailer here.

Writers Groups can discuss the unique structure of this memoir. How does the reason it was difficult to sell, relate to why it’s on so many Best New Books lists? Why are there are twice as many pages of photos than footnotes?

As a special bonus, I can send you personalized bookplates and bookmarks. I may even be able to Zoom in to answer your questions. Sound like fun?

Here is the official Book Club Guide to make it easy….download PDF here.


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